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Events in Jerusalem

Oh Lord!

at 04.02.2010

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Thursday feb 4th

The Camery Theatre presents "Oh Lord!" with Shiri Golan/Sara Von Shvartza, Oded Taomi, and Avihud Tidhar. Ela, a forty year old, single mother psychologist receives a phone call from a new, desperate client, who presses her to accept him immediately, but will only tell her the first letter of his name. When he arrives, it turns out the mysterious client is none other than...God. he is suffering from a deep depression and wishes to put an end to his life's work, i.e. the world. Ela has only an hour to change his mind, thus saving the world. This pointed comedy analyzes God's character as described in the Hebrew Bible and his topsy-turvy relationship with human kind.


Marcus St. 20


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