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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2013: SmartTour Sculpture Tour

Sukkot 2013: SmartTour Sculpture Tour at 18.09.2013

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Wednesday sep 18th

Over Sukkot 2013, SmartTour will offer unique sculpture tours of Jerusalem in cooperation with the Sculpture Convention at First Station. The Segway tours, which combine the excitement of a Segway ride with the added element of an artistic experience, set out from First Station and continue through the picturesque Yemin Moshe neighborhood, past the walls of the Old City, through Alrov Mamilla Avenue and King David Street. The experienced guides will provide thorough explanations along the way, making for an unforgettable experience. Participants will have the chance to view the sculpture exhibits at First Station as well as the Globes exhibit at Alrov Mamilla Avenue.

Private tour (up to 10 participants): 195 per person
Group tour (10 or more participants): 175 per person

Call for orders: 02-648-0334 or email

*Space is limited and tours sell out quickly - call today to reserve a tour


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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