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Events in Jerusalem

Shuk Arba Minim 2013

Shuk Arba Minim 2013 at 15.09.2013

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Sunday sep 15th

Throughout Sukkot, Jews in Jerusalem and beyond gather the four species (date palm, myrtle, willow and citron - etrog) and shake them all about in a ritual central to the holiday.

In Jerusalem, the pre-Sukkot buzz reaches a fever pitch at the Shuk Arba Minim, the Four Species Market, which, in the days and nights leading up to the holiday, transforms an area adjacent to the Machane Yehuda Market into a lively bazaar for ritually oriented produce shopping.

This year's bazaar will take place from September 15-18: weekdays from 7:30-22:00, Sabbath and holiday eves from 7:30-14:00. In addition to the four species, Sukkah decorations will also be for sale.

Additional four species markets can be found around the city. In addition, a new initiative began this year in which those wishing to buy the four species can do so while the proceeds will be donated to a charity of their choice. For more information visit

Open Hours



Machane Yehuda Market


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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