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Events in Jerusalem

Tu B'av 2013 at the Tower of David Museum

Tu B'av 2013 at the Tower of David Museum at 19.07.2013

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Friday jul 19th

Celebrate the Jewish holiday of love at the Tower of David Museum this Friday with a "Lovers' Tour" of Yemin Moshe and Mishkenot Sha'ananim, focusing on love stories in Jerusalem's past, followed by a live show by the Baroquada ensemble, playing love-themed compositions from throughout the ages with lead vocalists Yaela Avital and Revital Haviv. The concert will take place outdoors.

Tour: 13:00-15:00
Concert: 16:00

80-95 NIS

Open Hours

Sunday-Thursday 9:00-16:00, Friday: closed unless there is a special event, Shabbat: 9:00-14:00.


Jaffa Gate


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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