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Events in Jerusalem

Restobar Passover Business Lunch Specials

Restobar Passover Business Lunch Specials at 30.03.2010

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Tuesday mar 30th

Restobar will be offering a Business Lunch Passover special on the menu from Tuesday, March 30 to Friday, April 2. The special business lunch runs from 68-78 NIS. The menu is not Kosher or Kosher for Passover and includes leavened items such as bread and croissants. The menu will also include certain Kosher-for-Passover style items, such as lamb schnitzel with mashed sweet potatoes and dark raisins, risotto seafood rice topped with steak, and chicken strogonof with wild rice.


Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 7:30 until last customer; Friday, 7:30 to late afternoon, Saturday night until last customer


Ben Maimon St. (Corner of Aza St.)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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