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Events in Jerusalem

Purim 2013 at Kikar Safra: Kid

Purim 2013 at Kikar Safra: Kid at 25.02.2013

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Monday feb 25th

"Kikar Safra rejoiced and was happy" is the name of this year's huge Purim extravaganza at Kikar Safra on Shushan Purim, February 25, 2013 from 12:00-16:00.

The program includes a plethora of performances, shows, and contests happening simultaneously at Kikar Safra and the adjacent Gan Daniel. From 12:00-16:00 Rinat Gabai will perform on the main stage followed by Shai and Roi's show "A Sweet Birthday."

At the same time, Psik Theater and Kumkum Theater will perform children's shows on other stages around the plaza. In addition, circus performers, Flamenco, Irish step, and Tango dancers will perform.

Throughout the whole event pantomime actors will entertain visitors, there will be arts and crafts corners, and more. In addition there will be costume contests with prizes for the winners. Kids that dress up and win could win tickets to various events and performances around the city such as the Ice Festival, Gerard Bechar and Train Theater performances, and more.

All Shushan Purim events at Kikar Safra are free and convenient to get to with the Light Rail.


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