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Events in Jerusalem

Friday Culture at the Museum of Islamic Art: Rumi

at 07.06.2013

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Friday jun 7th

The Museum of Islamic Art presents "Rumi's Song of the Heart"

Friday June 7, 2013 at 11:00

A hypnotizing tapestry of stories, songs, sounds, and dance, which brings the audience into the world of Rumi, one of the most renowned Sufi poets in the world.

"I am neither Jewish, nor Muslim, nor Christian
My heart knows now limits
Love is the religion
And the universe is the book"

Alhaya Eyal Mor tells Rumi's story - songs and stories from his life
Asim Shaul Bracha hypnotizes with darwish circular dance
Netanel Goldberg pulls heartstrings with his voice and music

At 11:00 there will be a tour of selected museum exhibits with an emphasis on Sufism. The performance will begin at 12:00.

Admission is included in the regular museum entrance free.

Space is limited. Click here to order tickets:

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Thursday 10:00 to 15:00; Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 to 19:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday and Holidays 10:00 to 14:00


HaPalmach St. 2


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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