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Events in Jerusalem

Yair Dalal: Blues for the Dessert at the Confederation House

at 28.02.2013

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Thursday feb 28th

Yair Dalal, nationally and internationally known as an outstanding oud and violin player, performs songs and instrumental segments inspired by the desert, the Middle East, and the blues at the Confederation House on Thursday, February 28, 2013.

Yair Dalal oud, violin, vocals | Eli Benakot EWI (electronic wind instrument) | Yotam Haimovitz sitar, guitar | Erez Munk percussion, tabla

Special guest: blues guitarist and vocalist Itai Perl

Date: Thursday, 28 February
Time: 20:30
Location: Confederation House
Duration: Hour and half
Ticket Price: 70 ?
Buy Tickets: Bimot: *6226, 02-6237000 or Confederation House: 02-6245206 ext. 4


Emile Botta St. 12


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