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Events in Jerusalem

International Jazz Festival: Jerusalem 2012

at 28.11.2012

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Wednesday nov 28th

This winter, Jerusalem will host the Ninth International Jazz Festival from November 28-December 3, 2012, at which leading Jazz musicians from around the world will perform in Jerusalem.

The entire festival will be dedicated to unique Jazz performances by pianists, drummers, saxophonists, and musicians from Bulgaria, Germany, Norway, Russia, Georgia, Lithuania and other countries who will play together with the best of Israeli Jazz musicians.

This year's festival will put an emphasis on significant dates in the history of Jazz, such as birthdays of well known Jazz musicians and dates of album releases and debuts that rocked the Jazz scene. The festival will feature a noticeable Scandinavian presence and wind of "Northern" Jazz.

All five concerts in the festival, in which some 70 musicians and 12 ensembles will perform, will take place at the "Harmony" Hall on 27 Hillel Street, Jerusalem.

For more information and the full schedule of concerts, please visit the Festival's official website, here.

Concert tickets are 80 NIS and can be bought in advance online here:
First Day
Second Day
Third Day
Fourth Day
Fifth Day

Tickets can also be ordred by calling 02-621-1777 or at the door.


Harmony Hall | Hillel St. 27


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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