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Events in Jerusalem

Sharon Caesar Fiske: Awakening

at 06.11.2012

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Tuesday nov 6th

Jerusalem native pianist and singer Sharon Caesar Fiske hits the stage at the Khan Theatre with songs from her recently released debut album, Hitorerut (Awakening), which was recorded in Los Angeles. Accompanying her is percussionist Gavriel Fiske and guest musicians. Caesar-Fiske's music has been described as melodic, soul piercing, and elevating, fusing contemporary sounds and spiritual depth, inviting listeners to reconnect to the deepest places within themselves. Her influences include nature, dance, and music, Jewish melody, and mysticism, as well as years of meditation and yoga.

Tuesday, November 6 at 20:30
Khan Theatre
Tickets: 45 NIS | call 02-630-3600


Remez St. 2


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