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Events in Jerusalem

13th International Oud Festival: Ross Daly and the Labyrinth Ensemble: Music and Poetry from Crete

at 17.11.2012

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Saturday nov 17th

The Confederation House presents the 13th International Oud Festival, which will take place in Jerusalem from November 8-17, 2012.

Ross Daly and the Labyrinth Ensemble: Music and Poetry from Crete

Saturday, 17 November 2012 21:00

Composer and Irish-Greek lyra player Ross Daly is one of the regular and beloved guests of the Jerusalem International Oud Festival. Together with the Labyrinth Ensemble, vocalist Giorgos Xilouris and percussionist Zohar Fresco, in this performance he presents the unique dance and rizitika songs of the island of Crete. The performance centers around a folk story describing the ritual encounter of young lyra players taught by spirits who besiege them at night and seek to devour them-or at least, play for them until daybreak.


Giorgos Xilouris vocals and lauta | Giorgos Manolakis vocals and lauta | Kelly Thoma lyra | Ross Daly lyra | Zohar Fresco percussion

Image of Ross Daly by Bastian Parschau

For more details, the full schedule (in English), and to order tickets, please visit the Festival's website, here, or view / download the complete program here.


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