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Events in Jerusalem

13th International Oud Festival: Between the Caucasus and Ararat: Anna Mailian and the Israel Camerata Orchestra

at 13.11.2012

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Tuesday nov 13th

The Confederation House presents the 13th International Oud Festival, which will take place in Jerusalem from November 8-17, 2012.

Between the Caucasus and Ararat: Anna Mailian and the Israel Camerata Orchestra

Tuesday, 13 November 2012 20:00

Mezzo-soprano vocalist Anna Mailian and the Israel Camerata Orchestra, Jerusalem conducted by Aram Garbakian will present traditional and modern Armenian music of different types: adaptations of Armenian folk songs and songs of Armenia's national composer Komitas, a symphonetta by Artiunian, selections from the ballet by Tigran Mansourian, a work for strings by Edward Mirozian and the work "Birds of Passage" by Georgian-born Israeli composer Josef Bardandashvili.


Aram Garbakian conductor | Anna Mailian mezzo-soprano

The Israel Camerata Orchestra, Jerusalem

Date: Tuesday, 13.11.12
Time: 20:00
Location: Jerusalem Theater, Henry Crown Hall
Duration: hour and half
Ticket Price: 169 NIS | balkony 129 NIS

For more details, the full schedule (in English), and to order tickets, please visit the Festival's website, here, or view / download the complete program here.


The festival takes place at various venues around Jerusalem. Please see the festival website for details.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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