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Events in Jerusalem

Hatishma Koli: Menachem Fruman and Erez Lev Ari at Beit Yehudit

at 20.09.2012

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Thursday sep 20th

The Shalom Hartman Institute invites you to revisit prayer at a series of pre-high holiday events.
The main event will take place on September 20 in Jerusalem at the Hartman Institute and the Ginot Hair Community Council, Beit Yehudit.


At the Shalom Hartman Institute, Gedalyahu Alon 11

18:00: Prayer after the death of God: Roni Yaeger talks with Professor Avi Sagi about the book "Petzuei Tefillah" | musical interlude

19:00: Experiential workshops: Dr. Eli Holzer | Hazmana Le-piyyut | Dr. Melila Helner Eshed | Shai Zarchi | Chanah Pinchasi

At Beit Yehudit, Emek Refaim 12

20:45: Rabbi Menachem Frumen and Erez Lev Ari in a special joint performance | 25 NIS | Doors open at 20:15 | Tickets will be distributed to program participants, first come first serve


Emek Refaim St. 12


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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