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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2012 at the Botanical Gardens: Chocolate, Vanilla and Orchids

Sukkot 2012 at the Botanical Gardens: Chocolate, Vanilla and Orchids at 02.10.2012

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Tuesday oct 2nd

What a sweeter, more beautiful way to celebrate Hol Hamoed Succot than to visit the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens for a festival of Chocolate, Vanilla and Orchids?!!

From Tuesday to Thursday, October 2 to 4, from 10.00-17.00

Join us for an adventure to the tropics to meet the plants that give us vanilla and coffee, and to learn about the cocoa tree in special chocolate-making workshops. Enter a tropical world inside our tropical conservatory with dazzling orchids on display, carnivorous plants, medicinal and edible plants.

A play for the whole family about chocolate, called The Caterpillar that Loved Cocoa, will be staged three times a day, at 11.00, 13.00 and 16.00.

And the Flower Train will be telling a special children's story as it tours the Gardens.


Entrance to the festival (from age 3) NIS 35

Reduced entrance for Jerusalem children, up to age 18, on presentation of parent's ID NIS 25

Family ticket (six people) NIS 150

Entrance is free for subscription holders!

Annual subscriptions:

Family (up to 5 people) NIS 240

Couple NIS 180

Single NIS 120

Subscriptions entitle the holder to free entrance to the Gardens on regular days (excluding special events), a wide range of activities, and discounts for special events. Subscriptions are available at the Israeli Friends office in the Visitors' Center on 02 6480049.


Yehuda Burla Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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