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Events in Jerusalem

Rock Ami Festival Sukkot 2012

Rock Ami Festival Sukkot 2012 at 04.10.2012

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Thursday oct 4th

Town Six Entertainment, NY and RNY Productions present the Fourth Annual Rock Ami Festival: the largest Jewish rock festival in Jerusalem, on October 4, 2012. Doors open at 19:30

This year's musical guests:

Shlomo Katz
Chaim Dovid

Beit Yehudit, Emek Refaim 12, German Colony
For tickets call 077-216-4436, 052-566-5600
This year's festival is sponsored by the Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin

The event, which takes place this year at Beit Yehudit on Emek Refaim, is kid friendly and wheel chair accessible.

For advanced ticket orders, call: 077-216-4436, 052-566-5600 or visit the festival's website.


Emek Refaim St. 12


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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