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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2012: Safra Square Sukkah Events with Roi Edri (The Voice), Daniel Zamir, and more

Sukkot 2012: Safra Square Sukkah Events with Roi Edri (The Voice), Daniel Zamir, and more at 01.10.2012

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Monday oct 1st

Tens of thousands of visitors are expected to celebrate Sukkot in Jerusalem, and the municipality is ready with a great lineup of special events in store. More information is available at the municipality hotline: 106 (those calling from outside Jerusalem should dial 02-531-4600), or at the municipality's website:

Safra Sukkah 

The Safra Sukkah, the largest Sukkah in the country (about 1,000 meters), will be open to the public over the intermediate days of Sukkot from October 1st when the holiday goes out until Friday October 5th. All events at the Sukkah are free, and visitors are invited to bring food and eat in the Sukkah or just hang out. This year, the Sukkah will be decorated solely with recycled materials!

Sukkah events:

October 2-4 at 17:00: special events for children - sukkah decorations workshop: mobiles, Chinese flashlights; street actors, and more.

Monday October 1st (after the holiday ends): Live performance by Roi Edri - THE VOICE

Tuesday October 2nd: 17:00: children's workshops | 19:00: Daniel Zamir - live show

Wednesday October 3rd: 17:00-19:00: Open house with Mayor and Mrs. Nir Barkat, open to the public | 20:00: Hamadregot - live show

Thursday October 4: 17:00: Children's workshops | 20:00: Alma Ensemble - live performance


Jerusalem Municipality Plaza Safra Square


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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