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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2012: Wheels of Love in the Jerusalem Park

Sukkot 2012: Wheels of Love in the Jerusalem Park at 03.10.2012

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Wednesday oct 3rd

Tens of thousands of visitors are expected to celebrate Sukkot 2012 in Jerusalem, and the municipality is ready with a great lineup of special events in store. More information is available at the municipality hotline: 106 (those calling from outside Jerusalem should dial 02-531-4600), or at the municipality's website:

Wheels of Love in the Jerusalem Park

The Jerusalem Park in cooperation with the Jerusalem Municipality and the Wheels of Love ride will hold the first ever bike riding extravaganza over Sukkot on October 3, 2012. The event will include three riding trails: easy, medium, and challenging. The ride, which will take place along the new bike trail in Emek Ha'arazim, will begin with a visit to Einot Telem. The family trail is 15 km long and the short trail is 5-8 km long. Registration fee is 30 NIS. All proceeds will go to benefit the rehabilitation of the children in the "Alyn" Hospital.

The ride will set off at 7:30 in the presence of Mayor Nir Barkat, Chairman of the Jerusalem Development Authority, Mr. Moshe Leon and Chairman of KKL Mr Efi Shtansler who will all also ride, inaugurating the ride's 13th year. Beginning at 9:30 there will be a sporting celebration and free activities for families and children, including guided tours in the National Garden, stationary cycling machines, a climbing wall, an omega, archery, story theatre for children, arts and crafts, and holiday themed nature activities.

Throughout the event, bike riders of all levels of experience are invited to enjoy riding around the park's trails which surround the city in Emek Ha'arazim and Emek Motza. Information booths with guides will be set up all along the trails. For more information visit the Wheels of Love site:


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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