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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2012: The Jerusalem March

Sukkot 2012: The Jerusalem March at 18.10.2011

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Tuesday oct 18th

Tens of thousands of visitors are expected to celebrate Sukkot 2012 in Jerusalem, and the municipality is ready with a great lineup of special events in store. More information is available at the municipality hotline: 106 (those calling from outside Jerusalem should dial 02-531-4600), or at the municipality's website:

Jerusalem March:

On Thursday October 4th the annual Jerusalem March will take place. The theme of this year's march is international sporting events ahead of the summer of 2013, when Jerusalem will host the 13th Macabiya games as well as the 2013 Euro Junior European Championship games. Over 10,000 participants are expected to participate from Israel and around the world.

The march will include three morning nature walks, an extravaganza in Gan Sacher, and a central festive parade along the streets in the city center. The day will start off with an extravaganza at Gan Sacher from 10:00-15:00, featuring performances, artists, children's activities, food and drinks for sale, arts and crafts, dancing, and more. Gan Sacher will also serve as a destination and rest and picnic area for marchers.

The central parade will take place at 15:00, beginning on Bezalel Street and Continue to Hillel St. and King David Street, and will end at the Old Train Station parking lot. The central stage will be on King David street. The parade will be led by Mayor Nir Barkat with former Israeli soccer stars Eli Ohana and Avi Namni with other sports team members.

Morning walks:

1. 15 km, starts at 7:00-9:00: Gan Hakipod (Ramot) - Ramot forest - Emek Ha'arazim - Motza - Ein Karem - Har Herzl -
Beit Hakerem - Gan Sacher

2. 8 km, starts at 7:30-9:30: Mount Scopus - Emek Zurim - Nachal Kidron - Gan Shmanim - Yad Avshalom - Dung Gate - Mount Zion - Gai Ben Hinom - Yemin Moshe - Talbieh - Rehavia - Gan Sacher

3. 5 km, starts at 8:00-10:00: Safra Square - Jaffa Gate - Armenian Patriarch - Zion Gate - Mt. Zion - Gai Ben Hinom - Yemin Moshe - Talbieh - Rehavia - Gan Sacher


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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