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Events in Jerusalem

Oud Festival 2011: My Sweet Canary: a Tribute to Roza Eskenazi

at 12.11.2011

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Saturday nov 12th

The Confederation House presents the 12th International Oud Festival, which will take place in Jerusalem from November 10-19, 2011. This years festival includes an impressive variety of musicians from Israel and abroad, colorful, exciting collaborations between Israeli and foreign artists, and tributes to famous oud players, and of course, unique ethnic music enhanced by the strings of the oud.

For more details, the full schedule (in English), and to order tickets, please visit the Festival's website, here, or view / download the complete program here.

My Sweet Canary: a Tribute to Roza Eskenazi

Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 21:30 at the Jerusalem Theatre

My Sweet Canary: Yasmin Levy, Martha Frintzila, and Mehtep Demir in a Tribute to Roza Eskenazi (Israel/Greece/Turkey)

Vocalists Martha Frintzila from Greece, Mehtep Demir from Turkey, and Yasmin Levy from Israel pay tribute to Greek-Jewish vocalist Roza Eskenazi, the first lady of rebetiko-the Greek blues.


Marcus St. 20

Near Oud Festival 2011: My Sweet Canary: a Tribute to Roza Eskenazi

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