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Events in Jerusalem

12th International Oud Festival

at 10.11.2011

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Thursday nov 10th

The Confederation House presents the 12th International Oud Festival, which will take place in Jerusalem from November 10-19, 2011. This years festival includes an impressive variety of musicians from Israel and abroad, colorful, exciting collaborations between Israeli and foreign artists, and tributes to famous oud players, and of course, unique ethnic music enhanced by the strings of the oud.

2011 Oud Festival performances: (click on a title below for more details)

Meir Banai: Opening Concert

My Sweet Canary: a Tribute to Roza Eskenazi

The Black Eyebrows: The Petrakis-Lopez-Chimirani Trio

I Sing: Amal Murkus

Hosam Hayek-Oud

Musical Fantasy - Circles: Mark Eliyahu

Popular Duets in Arabic Classics: Violet Salameh and Soloists of the Tarshiha Orchestra

A Few Corrections: Esti Kenan Ofri Joins Arabic Music and Contemporary Poetry

Taiseer Elias and His Brothers: A Tribute to Virtuoso Composer and Musician Taiseer Elias

Aynur: An Israeli Premier


For more details, the full schedule (in English), and to order tickets, please visit the Festival's website, here, or view / download the complete program here.


The festival takes place at various venues around Jerusalem. Please see the festival website for details.

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