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Events in Jerusalem

The 40th Abu Gosh Festival of Vocal Music - Sukkot 2011

at 19.10.2011

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Wednesday oct 19th

The 40th Abu Gosh Festival of Vocal Music will take place over the Sukkot holiday in the Kiryat Yearim and Crypt Churches in Abu Gosh.  Highlights include tributes to Gershwin, the Beatles, and the Three Tenors.


The full festival schedule in English, as well as information about how to obtain tickets and other useful Festival information, is available here. Tickets can be ordered online here.


This festival is part of Abu Gosh's celebration of 20 years of music festivals. Twice a year, the village of Abu Gosh becomes a paradise for vocal music lovers, who come in their thousands from all over the country and turn Abu Gosh and its churches into a colorful vocal locale of festivities. Mark your calendars now for the winter festival, kicking off on November 27th.


Kiryat Yearim Church and The Crypt Abu Gosh

Near The 40th Abu Gosh Festival of Vocal Music - Sukkot 2011

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