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Events in Jerusalem

Two B

Two B at 02.08.2012

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Thursday aug 2nd

The Ginot Hair Community Council - Beit Yehudit hosts "Two B'av": a Jerusalem love festival for the Jewish holiday of love, Tu B'av.

Thursday, August 2, at 20:00


*Singing in white - with the "Mashiv Haruach" poets

*"The Quartet": Alon Aloerchik, Shem Tov Levi, Efraim Shamir and Shlomo Yidov in a special performance for the holiday of love

*Ma'ale film school: the new films

*Daniel Kishonovsky: standup - "Mrs. Ravia - Curdish grandmother: flying over life"

*Tisch with Yitzchak Meir and Friends

*Shabazi lounge circle: thoughts on love

*Hakovah Hahafuch and A"S Layla: love song sing along

*Between Love and Jewish Law: Dr. Malkah Petrovsky

*Gift fair

To order tickets click here.


Emek Refaim St. 12


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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