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Events in Jerusalem

Dance in the Gallery at Barbur

at 21.07.2011

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Thursday jul 21st

"Dance in the Gallery":  A new dance series at Barbur


Second performance in the series, at 21:00

The choreographer Efrat Rubin and animator Osi Wald, founders of the Moving Hold group, with works "Day" and "Fold"

Performing: Noam Eron and Efrat Rubin
Music: Jonathan Albalak and Omri Rachum-Twaig
Series editor: Rachel Zohar

"Dance in the Gallery" creates a meeting between dance, music, and visual arts, between creators from different fields and dancers. Gallery space offers an exposed and intimate glance on the movement of the dance, and opens a possibility of a communication between the performer and the spectator.

The series is a collaboration between Choreographers Association, Jerusalem Foundation and Barbur Gallery


Admission 30 NIS


Shirizli Str. 6

Near Dance in the Gallery at Barbur

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