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Events in Jerusalem

Front Stage 2011: Matisyahu and Hadag Nachash Live in Safra Square

at 23.06.2011

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Thursday jun 23rd

Matisyahu and Hadag Nachash: Two live performances

THE FRONT STAGE summer concert series
June 23, Safra Square

After his successful show with the Balkan Beat Box last Sukkot, Matisyahu and his band return to Israel to appear with local band Hadag Nachash.

Matisyahu's most recent album "Light" was his biggest success yet, selling millions of copies worldwide. The most notable song "One Day" became an anthem during the last World Cup.

Ticket Prices:
Before the show: 90 NIS (subject to availability)
At the show: 110 NIS
Special pre-show price for Jerusalem residents: 60 NIS with the presentation of a city resident ID card

Purchase tickets here.

Near Front Stage 2011: Matisyahu and Hadag Nachash Live in Safra Square

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