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Events in Jerusalem

The 38th Abu Gosh Festival of Vocal Music

at 07.06.2011

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Tuesday jun 7th

The 38th Abu Gosh Festival of Vocal Music will take place in Abu Gosh over the Shavuot holiday which falls out in early June. The full festival schedule in English, as well as information about how to obtain tickets and other useful Festival information, is available here.



The Festival's concerts will be performed in the Crusader-Benedictine Church, having stood in the center of the village for more than 800 years; and the Kiryat Ye'arim Church, overlooking the village from the top of the hill.?? During Shavuot and Sukkot, Abu Gosh transforms to a vocal music paradise, attracting thousands of people from around the country.


Kiryat Yearim Church and The Crypt Abu Gosh

Near The 38th Abu Gosh Festival of Vocal Music

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