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Events in Jerusalem

Diwan HaLev at the Jerusalem Theatre

at 16.04.2011

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Saturday apr 16th

Diwan HaLev is a rich and diverse instrumental and vocal ensemble performing songs, liturgical poems, and prayers - Jewish texts set to traditional melodies as well as original melodies, combined with world music. A moving musical journey between sound and soul, pure harmony that moves between quiet and ecstasy in a show that is all heart.

Alon Amano Campino - guitar, oud, vocals; Gil Ron Shema - vocals, darbuka; Dvir Cohen - vocals; Liat Zion - vocals; Udi Ben Canaan - bass, lyre; Mark Eliyahu - kamanche, saz; Erez Munk - percussion.



In the New Hall

Doors open at 21:30, Show at 22:00
Bar with alcoholic beverages and soft drinks at the entrance to the hall.
Seating in the hall is on plastic chairs.
The hall is handicapped accessible


Marcus St. 20

Near Diwan HaLev at the Jerusalem Theatre

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