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Events in Jerusalem

The Moshav Band Purim Concert at Hama'abada

at 20.03.2011

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Sunday mar 20th

What happens when you combine Bob Dylan, Shlomo Carlebach, and Neil Young?  The answer is The Moshav Band, formed in Israel but now based in Los Angeles.  The members of “The Moshav” combine alternative rock, reggae, folk, and Hasidic music, befitting those who have played with “The Singing Rabbi” Shlomo Carlebach while he was still alive.  To date the band has appeared with the rapper Matisyahu, among others, and has drawn comparisons to Pearl Jam and Dave Matthews Band.



Yehuda Solomon:  vocals, percussion
David Swirsky:  guitars, vocals, percussion
Yosef Solomon:  bass, percussion, voicings
Karen Teperberg:  drums
Nimrod Nol:  violins
Rami Yaffa:  keyboard



Hebron St. 28

Near The Moshav Band Purim Concert at Hama'abada

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