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Events in Jerusalem

Concerticho in February 2011: Latin Romance and Piano Festival

at 23.02.2011

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Wednesday feb 23rd

The Ticho House presents "Concerticho": a series of concerts at Ticho House. Tickets to a concert include a complementary glass of wine prior to the concert.

February 9, 2011: Latin Romance: From Madrid to Buenos Aires. Works by Sosa, Miguel, Gardel, Velazquez and others. Vocals, saxophone and piano.

February 23, 2011: Piano Recital
: Works by Mozart, Weber, Schumann and Chopin performed by Maria Solodovnik.

For reservations call: (02) 535-6954.

20% discount at the "Little Jerusalem" Restaurant

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:00 to 17:00; Tuesday 10:00 to 22:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00


Harav Kook St. 9

Near Concerticho in February 2011: Latin Romance and Piano Festival

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