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Events in Jerusalem

Passover 2012 at the Biblical Zoo Jerusalem

Passover 2012 at the Biblical Zoo Jerusalem at 28.03.2012

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Wednesday mar 28th

Activities during Pesach Vacation, March 28-April 14, 2012

Cleaning for Chametz with the Elephants
Come and feed the elephants with our bread!
April 5th at 17:00

Loco Circus
An enchanting show of juggling and fire
April 4th at 11:00 and 12:00

The Disappearing Rainforests
A workshop for the whole family, accompanied by animals, about the need to conserve the rainforests and the animals that live in them, from the armadillo to the parrots.
April 1st at 11:00, April 4th at 14:00, and April 5, 8, 9, 10 at 12:00

Always Green
A challenging game for the whole family about various "green" activities of the zoo, from water purification to fertilizer seeds
march 28-April 6

Throughout Pesach vacation, there will be continual guided animal feedings, elephant training, and seminars.


• All events are dependent on the weather
• On chol hamoed Pesach the internal zoo train will not be running
• There will be shuttle service during chol hamoed from the eastern parking lot of Teddy Stadium
• During Pesach vacation, the zoo expects a lot of traffic near the zoo, therefore, using public transportation is recommended.


HaAron Shuluv


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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