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Events in Jerusalem

Boogie Purim 2012 at Binyanei HaUma

Boogie Purim 2012 at Binyanei HaUma at 08.03.2012

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Thursday mar 8th

Boogie Purim 2012: Boogie the night away at an all night party at Binyanei HaUma.

Thursday March 8, 2012 | Binyanei HaUma | From 20:00-sunrise

20:00: Megilla reading followed by DJ world music with Yuval Dror, Yotam El Al and friends.

23:23: Open mic and live show by 11 piece band Shmemel

Midnight onwards: Noa Zulo with tribal and electro.
Shai Baruch: percussion | Carmel Lifshitz: keyboards, darbuka, sound | Amos Friedman: bass guitar oud.

Boogie Bar and chai shop featuring Shapira Beer and Eli's Kitchen. Beer from the keg, lemonarak, vodka. Personal pizzas and snacks. Soft drinks. Hot drinks.
1/3 kg beer: 15 NIS, ½ kg beer: 20 NIS, lemonarak: 10 NIS

Entrance: Advance orders: 75 NIS | 60 NIS for students. At the door: 85 NIS | 75 NIS for students. For tickets call: 052-860-8084 | 02-566-0018 | 052-368-6093.


Binyanei Hauma - Jerusalem International Convention Center Zalman Shazar St. 1


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