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Events in Jerusalem

Bill Kirchen Band and Master Class

at 18.11.2010

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Thursday nov 18th

The Yellow Submarine presents the Bill Kirchen Band and Master Class. Warmup performance by the Carlie Fairburn Band.

Bill Kirchen Band: Bill Kirchen plays American roots music. He received a Grammy nomination for Best Country Instrumental Performance 2001. A Titan of the Telecaster guitar (Guitar Player magazine May 1998 & June 2002), he celebrates an American musical tradition where country music draws upon its origins in blues and bluegrass, and in the Western swing of Texas and California honky tonks. Bill Kirchen first gained renown as lead guitarist and a vocalist for Commander Cody & his Lost Planet Airmen, the renegade country-rock band that tuned a whole generation of rock fans into the joys of unvarnished country, boogie and rockabilly. It was the resonant twang of Kirchen's battered Telecaster that drove "Hot Rod Lincoln" into the Top Ten in 1972. Kirchen has played guitar on recordings and performances with Gene Vincent, Link Wray, Danny Gatton, Emmylou Harris, Hoyt Axton, Nick Lowe and Elvis Costello.

*The Master Class will take place at 17:00 and is open to the public. Advance registeration is required.

Carlie Fairburn: up and coming singer songwriter who has performed around Israel in the past year together with her bass player and percussionist. Their first EP will be released shortly.


HaRechavim St. 13

Near Bill Kirchen Band and Master Class

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