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Events in Jerusalem

Purim 2012 at Mini Israel: Alice in Wonderland

Purim 2012 at Mini Israel: Alice in Wonderland at 08.03.2012

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Thursday mar 8th

Purim 2012 at Mini Israel: Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland visits Mini Israel over Purim, and everyone is invited to the world's most famous tea party!

All of your favorite Wonderland characters will be waiting for you at various stations around the park:

*A royal cricket game with the Queen of Hearts: help Alice win the game and keep her head!

*Hanataschen preparation in the palace kitchen with the duchess

*The Mad Hatter's Tea Party: The Mad Hatter and Alice host children at a tea party where tea and sweets will be served, around
a large banquet table set with porcelain dishes, fancy serving dishes full of sweets, and more. In addition, kids will be treated to a magical theatrical experience.

*The White Rabbit: The White Rabbit will greet children around the park.

The activities will not take place in the case of inclement weather. Check the Mini Israel website or call to confirm before heading out.


Open Hours

Sunday through Thursday, Saturday 10:00 to 19:00; Friday, 10:00 to 14:00




The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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