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Events in Jerusalem

Piyyut Festival 2010: Day Four

at 16.09.2010

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Thursday sep 16th

Beit Avi Chai presents the third Piyyut Festival. This year's performances highlight ancient, unique traditions that are not well known to the general public. The festival includes concerts, workshops, and tours.

In addition, thoughout the festival, the art installation exhibit "Visual Prayer" will be displayed in the Beit Avi Chai gallery. About the installation: What would happen if the letters of the alphabet prayed? If they dropped everything and meditated? This video installation, designed to create a mystical Jewish experience, incorporates audio and visual dimensions and uses of three main parts of the Jewish liturgy as mantras for spiritual elevation: the Shema, the Kaddish, and the Shemoneh Esreh.
Artist: Hagit Shimoni
Admission free

Schedule for Thursday, September 16, 2010:

18:00: Workshop - From Thee to Thee: Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur: Pondering the unique words of Yom Kippur, at Beit Avi Chai


From Thee to Thee: Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur
Pondering the unique words of Yom Kippur
With Yom Kippur about to begin, you are invited to prepare with us and find a new perspective on words, prayers, thoughts, and traditions that are an integral part of the day.
Together we will look at ancient piyyutim and teachings of chassidic leaders and will challenge our imaginations.

Host: Poet Yonadav Kaplun, editor of the High Holiday prayer books Mimekh Elayikh (From thee to thee)
Musical accompaniment: Yanir Kilinski

Thursday, 8 Tishrei, September 16, 6 PM
Admission: NIS 30


19:30: Concert - Raza de-Shabbat (Secrets of Shabbat): Andre Hajdu and the HaOman Hai Ensemble at Beit Avi Chai

Concert Details:

Raza de-Shabbat (Secrets of Shabbat)
Andre Hajdu and the HaOman Hai Ensemble
As Yom Kippur approaches (on the Sabbath this year) the ensemble members embark on a journey at dusk-the time of transition from the sacred to the mundane and from the mundane to the sacred-using traditions of chassidic song and music, excerpts from the Zohar set to music, piyyutim and modern Israeli songs.

A new and unique production for the festival from the creators of "Kulmus Hanefesh" (2004 Israel Festival) and "Migdal HaPoreach BaAvir" [Building Castles in the Air] (2007 Israel Festival).

Andre Hajdu, musical direction, piano, and vocals
Baruch Brenner, research, editing, and vocals
Eitan Kirsh, double bass and vocals
Yonatan Niv, cello and vocals
Nori Yaakobi, viola and vocals
David Lewis, wind instruments
and guest artists

Thursday, 8 Tishrei, September 16, 7:30 PM
BEIT AVI CHAI auditorium
Admission: NIS 50, students: NIS 30


21:00: Final concert - Neilah: Nitzan Chen Razel and the Ashkenazim in a pre-Yom Kippur concert with Hamadregot at Beit Avi Chai.

Concert details:

Neilah-Final Performance
Nitzan Chen Razel and the Ashkenazim in a pre-Yom Kippur concert with Hamadregot
New interpretations of Ashkenazi music from a variety of times and places, as well as new life for old piyyutim. These two unique bands, whose artistic work is connected to the world of prayer, invite you to a joint concert of piyyut and prayer from various traditions, along with original melodies and songs.

Nitzan Chen Razel, violin and vocals
Ilan Damari, vocals
Hod Dayan, guitar
Ido Gonen, bass guitar
Yankele Segal, bass guitar and plucked instruments
Tzachi Har Nevo, keyboard
Hagai Halbertal, piano
Alon Yoffe, drums
Guest: Aaron Razel

Thursday, 8 Tishrei, September 16, 9 PM
BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard
Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 30


King George St. 44

Near Piyyut Festival 2010: Day Four

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