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Events in Jerusalem

Festive Chazzanut Concert at the Tower of David Museum

at 29.08.2010

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Sunday aug 29th

The Tower of David Museum presents a festive Chazzanut and Opera concert.



The program includes cantoral compositions inspired by the world of opera

Yossele Rosenblatt * Mordechai Hershman * Savel Zilbertz * Louis Lewandowski and others


Participating Cantors:


Simon Cohen * Rafi Frieder * Gideon Zelermyer * Yechezkel Klang


And the Choir of the Tel Aviv Institute for Chazanut - TACI Choir


Chazan Naftali Herstik


Musical director and accompanying pianist: Raymond Goldstein

Accompanying flutist: Michael Lockin

Oboe: Yael Zamir

Cello: David Tsur

Artistic director and moderator: Dr. Motti Friedman

The concert will take place outside. Please dress warmly.

Advance ticket purchase at the Tower of David Museum. Non-designated seats

Tel: 02-6265333


Price: Adult - 80 NIS Senior citizen, student, child - 65 NIS

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to 17:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 17:00


Jaffa Gate

Near Festive Chazzanut Concert at the Tower of David Museum

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