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Events in Jerusalem

Tu Bishvat 2012 at Safra Square and Community Gardens

Tu Bishvat 2012 at Safra Square and Community Gardens at 08.02.2012

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Wednesday feb 8th

*The event at Safra Square has been canceled due to inclement weather. For information on community garden events, please check with your local community garden.*

Come one, come all to the Jerusalem municipality's Tu Bishvat celebrations which will take place in Safra Square on Tu Bishvat: Wednesday, February 8, 2012, between 11:30 and 15:30. Highlights include theatrical performances, nurseries selling plants and flowers, dancing, music, street performers, workshops, sale stands, and a live performance by Deklon. Mayor Nir Barkat will attend the extravaganza and greet visitors from 13:30-14:30.

Entrance is free!


Celebrations including planting and other activities will also take place at dozens of community gardens around the city. Check with your local community center for information.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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