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Events in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival

at 31.08.2010

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Tuesday aug 31st

The 13th Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival will take place from August 31-September 8, 2010, with a special finale concert on September 11, 2010, at the YMCA Concert Hall in Jerusalem. One of this year's themes is "Brahms and 1900": concerts highlighting Brahms's extraordinarily powerful and significant influence on the new music of the young twentieth century. This year's festival also celebrates the anniversaries of great composers such as Schumann, Chopin and Wolf, whose music will be performed by Robert Holl and Dorothea Röschmann. The festival program will also include a world premiere of a piece by Matan Porat, a veteran member of the festival family. As usual, guests will have the opportunity to discover wonderful young musicians, as well as meet old friends.


For more information, including the full festival schedule of concerts and programs, and to order tickets, please visit the festival's website, here.


YMCA | King David St. 26

Near The Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival

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