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Events in Jerusalem

Asaf Avidan and the Mojos

at 18.05.2010

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Tuesday may 18th

Asaf Avidan is a singer-songwriter from Jerusalem, suspected as the illegal son of Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan. In June 2006 he released his debut EP "Now that you're leaving," and in 2008 “The Reckoning.”
In the past years, Asaf toured the country with his acoustic guitar, and gathered crowds of believers.
Nowadays, he's walking on the wild side with his gang of hooligans - "The Mojos"

Band Members:
Asaf "Papa Mojo" Avidan - Vocals and Guitar
Ran "Ice cool" Nir - Bass
Joni "Pretty boy" Snow- Drums
Roi "Super fly" Peled- Lead Guitar
Hadas "Hot skirt" Kleinman- Cello



Yellow Submarine HaRechavim St. 13

Near Asaf Avidan and the Mojos

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