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Events in Jerusalem

Sagol 59 (Saturday Nights)

at 29.05.2010

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Saturday may 29th

Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents:

Line-up for Sivan: Hora Cabbage
In honor of Shavuot, we honor agricultural produce and artists from kibbutzim. At each concert, an agricultural song will be performed in honor of the holiday.

Sagol 59

A native of Kibbutz Ein Hahoresh and a highly regarded, veteran rapper, known for his witty lyrics and his love for rap and authentic hip-hop. The concert will sum up a decade of wide-ranging musical activity, with songs from all of Sagol's albums, as well as new pieces and improvised freestyle pieces with a DJ and other guests.

*Standing room only


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Sagol 59 (Saturday Nights)

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