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Events in Jerusalem

Hoshana Rabbah eve at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center

Hoshana Rabbah eve at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center at 18.10.2011

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Tuesday oct 18th

The Menachem Begin Heritage Center presents a night of learning on Hoshana Rabbah eve, October 18, 2011. The event is free of charge and open to general public as space allows, on a first come first serve basis.

The schedule for the evening:
21:00 - "Jewish Festivals and the Modern Day Experience" - Dr. Micha Goodman
21:45 - "Israel and Greece: From Rashbi to Plato, from Adam to Prometheus" - Rabbi Chaim Navon
23:00 - "When Harry (Potter) met Rabbah (Bar Bar Chana)" - Dr. Ido Chevroni
00:00 - A musical performance in the spirit of Hoshana Rabbah with singer and composer Yonatan Razal
For further information: 02-5652011,, or visit the Center's Facebook page.

All events will take place in Hebrew.

Open Hours

The Museum is open Sunday through Thursday, First tour 9 AM last tour 16:30 Friday & Holiday Eve, first tour 9:00 last tour 12:30 Tuesday, extended hours, last tour 19:00 Please reserve by telephone


6 S.A. Nahon street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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