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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2011 at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center

Sukkot 2011 at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center at 16.10.2011

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Sunday oct 16th

The Menachem Begin Heritage Center presents guided tours and extended opening hours over the intermediate days of Sukkot, from October 16-18, 2011.

Touring Jerusalem with Moses Montefiore:
Fascinating tours on Chol Hamoed Succot for the entire family in the Begin Museum and Mishkenot Shaananim

The Menachem Begin Heritage Center presents tours for the whole family, over Chol Hamoed Sukkot, from October 16-18, 2011. Walking in the footsteps of Moses Motefiore, we will learn the story of Mishkenot Shaananim, the first neighborhood outside the walls of Jerusalem. Together with actors who will depict the different characters from the neighborhood, we will visit the windmill, Montefiore's chariot and the magical alleyways of Mishkenot Shaananim and Yemin Moshe. The tour will also feature an encounter with a veteran resident of the area and a fun filled quiz. The tour will be led by experienced tour guides and actors and will be a unique and enriching experience detailing the life of Moses Montefiore and one of the most fascinating periods in the history of Jerusalem, from the War of Independence to Yemin Moshe today.

All the tours (in Mishkenot Shaananim and the museum) are guided and must be booked in advance.
The price for each tour is 30 NIS.
An all inclusive ticket (for both tours) is available.
There is a reduced rate for families.

The walking tours outside will leave every hour on the hour between 10:00-17:00.

Extended opening hours at the Museum over Sukkot: 9:00-19:00. On Fridays and Erev Chag: 9:00-12:30

For further information and booking: 02-5652020, 02-5652011
The Menachem Begin Heritage Center, 6 S.A. Nachon Street (between the Cinimatec and Mishkenot Shaananim).

Open Hours

The Museum is open Sunday through Thursday, first tour 9:00, last tour 16:30; Tuesday, extended hours, last tour 19:00; Friday and holiday eves, first tour 9:00 last tour 12:30; please reserve by telephone


The Menachem Begin Heritage Center, 6 S.A. Nachon Street (between the Cinematheque and Mishkenot Shaananim)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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