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Events in Jerusalem

Nightly music and comics at Uganda

at 01.03.2009

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Sunday mar 1st


Jerusalem's Uganda is an oasis of painful hipness tucked away between downtown and the Russian Compound. Indie comics line one wall, indie records another, electronica, dub and art-metal fill the air, and Jerusalem's artsiest crowd around the bar to eat olives and drink bottled beer, including Taybeh, the controversial beer of the Palestinian people.

Much like the nation after which it's named, Uganda sympathizes with the Palestinian plight, and it's your best bet for finding shaggy American ISM volunteers fighting against oppression one Taybeh at a time. The bar features nightly performances by DJs, and occasional art shows and band performances, and offers light food items.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 12:00 to 3:00; Friday 12:00 to 17:00, 21:00 to 3:00; Saturday 20:00 to 3:00


Aristobulus St. 6

Near Nightly music and comics at Uganda

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