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Events in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Arts Festival: World Wide Folk Songs

at 11.03.2010

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Thursday mar 11th

The Jerusalem Arts Festival brings together local and out-of-town performing groups for a week-long celebration of the arts in Jerusalem. This year's festival comprises some 30 performances - dance, theatre and music - taking place in theatres and halls throughout the city.


The Jerusalem Arts Festival: World Wide Folk Songs



Description: Artistic songs from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, the British Isles and Israel - laughter and tears, joy and sadness, memories and heart rending longing - in a fascinating performance by a vocal ensemble and with delightful arrangements which bring tears to the eye.

Performance: Jerusalem A-Cappella Singers
Conductor: Judi Axelrod
Guest Artist: Cyrelle Foreman
Piano: Rina Schechter

Tickets: NIS 80 / NIS 60 (pensioners) / NIS 40 (new immigrants, soldiers, students and school pupils)

Ticket sales: At the Jerusalem Municipality Arts Department, 19 Jaffa Rd, ph. 02-6298141-6,
on the Festival internet site (at full price only)
and on the evening of the concert at the door (early arrival recommended; to order tickets in advance, call Nili at 052-8814599.

Price 80 NIS

Event Time 20:00

Event Date 11/03/2010

Duration 60 minutes with no intermission

Venue: Saint Vincent de Paul, Alrov Mamilla Avenue


Alrov Mamilla Avenue

Near The Jerusalem Arts Festival: World Wide Folk Songs

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