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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2011 at Ein Yael: Wine Tasting

Sukkot 2011 at Ein Yael: Wine Tasting at 16.10.2011

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Sunday oct 16th

The Ein Yael Museum presents a wine tasting festival over the intermediate days of Sukkot on October 16-17 from 18:00-24:00. The entrance fee is 45 NIS and includes a wine glass, wine tastings, a sweet treat, and a raffle ticket for a wine refrigerator full of wines from the tasting. Attractions at the festival include live jazz, a wide variety of wines including new brands for tasting, special sales on wines from the tasting, food stands selling cheeses, olive oil, and more. The festival will take place in spacious, guarded area. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the "Yachad Nitatzem" organization for oncology related orthopedics.


Open Hours



Ein Yael Museum


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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