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Events in Jerusalem

The Erez Bar-Noy Quartet (Saturday Nights)

at 09.01.2010

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Saturday jan 9th

Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents:


Line-up for Tevet--Quartets
In honor of the fourth month of the Hebrew calendar, a line-up devoted entirely to quartet


The Erez Bar-Noy Quartet

Erez Bar-Noy is considered one of the leading jazz saxophonists in Israel. The concert will include original jazz pieces along with classic jazz works featured on Bar-Noy's debut album, At Last. Israeli jazz at its finest.

Erez Bar-Noy, tenor saxophone / Hod Moshonov, piano / Assaf Hakimi, double bass / Yonatan Oleiski, drums

* Seating available



Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near The Erez Bar-Noy Quartet (Saturday Nights)

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