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Events in Jerusalem

The Four Seasons (Saturday Nights)

at 02.01.2010

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Saturday jan 2nd

Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents:


Line-up for Tevet--Quartets
In honor of the fourth month of the Hebrew calendar, a line-up devoted entirely to quartet



The Four Seasons

This band sings poems by Yehuda Amichai that have been set to music and songs by Bob Dylan and other artists, as well as songs written and composed by Ariel Horovitz that relate to the Hebrew calendar and its significance in the Jewish tradition.

This is a fascinating journey from old to new, full of humor and feeling, with the best selections from the four seasonal concerts that were big hits at Beit Alma in Tel Aviv.

Ariel Horovitz, guitar and vocals / Dan Ayalon, bass and special effects / Yaniv Dadon, guitar and special effects / Noa Vax, percussion

* Seating available



Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near The Four Seasons (Saturday Nights)

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