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Events in Jerusalem

Nava Tehila Benefit Concert

at 27.12.2009

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Sunday dec 27th

Nava Tehila performs a benefit concert at Kehillat Yedidya, ahead of their departure for a US tour. This Jerusalem-based band plucks at the heartstrings with original music for texts from the Jewish prayers. With touches of gospel, rock, Irish and Moroccan music, flamenco, and reggae, they take us on a spiritual journey to a place of elevation, tranquility, and peace.


Daphna Rosenberg, composition, vocals, and guitar / Yoel Sykes, composition, vocals, guitar, and percussion
Ruth Gan Kagan, vocals / And good friend


All proceeds go to establishing Well Baby clinics in Ugandan villages, where mother and baby mortality rates are among the highest in the world. Marva Zohar, a young midwife who will travel to Uganda to volunteer for the project will speak about the situation.


For more information about Nava Tehila and the Uganda project:


Kehillat Yedidya Rehov Lifshitz 12

Near Nava Tehila Benefit Concert

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