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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot Speak: The model Sukkah contest is back

Sukkot Speak: The model Sukkah contest is back at 12.09.2011

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Monday sep 12th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Sukkot Speak": The model sukkah contest is back!

Do you have anything you want to say? Design a sukkah!

This year, too, you are invited to sign up for the model sukkah contest! Great prizes!

There are two tracks:

Community Track* - * Group workshops possible
Open to groups that represent organizations and institutions
First prize: NIS 6,000 for a group project
Second prize: NIS 4,000 for a group project

Open Track - for artists from all fields:
First prize: NIS 3,000
Second prize: NIS 2,000

For additional information and registration:
To see contests from previous years, visit the BEIT AVI CHAI website:

Beit Avi Chai will host the creators of the Sukkah Models (for contest entrants only) on Tuesday, October 18 at 19:00.

Program: Announcement of winners and distribution of prizes.

The Sukkah Speaks Exhibition will be on display from Sunday, October 16-Friday, October 21.
Exhibition hours: 10 AM-7 PM
Friday and festival eves, 10 AM-2 PM
Festival days: 10 AM-5 PM


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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