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Events in Jerusalem

Festive Rosh Hashanah Meals at the Inbal Jerusalem Hotel

Festive Rosh Hashanah Meals at the Inbal Jerusalem Hotel at 28.09.2011

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Wednesday sep 28th

The Inbal Jerusalem Hotel invites you to celebrate Rosh Hashana and enjoy festive holiday meals with a unique menu featuring a wide variety of scrumptious dishes, fusing tradition and innovation with an international twist, all prepared in house under the direction of head chef Moti Buhbut. The menu combines traditional holiday dishes and contemporary tastes, all prepared with local ingredients of the highest quality. Guests will find traditional, homey dishes, including gefilte fish medallions and cream of sweet potato soup with a citrus zing alongside dishes that embody the local Jerusalem spirit, such as lamb medallion duet in red wine and rosemary sauce, and duck confit with artichokes and fresh asparagus. Creative, contemporary dishes include roasted leg of lamb with mushroom risotto sautéed in white wine and fennel. All dishes, including the more traditional-leaning, will be a feast for the eyes as well, being arranged and served artistically according to principles of modern design.

For more information and reservations, contact the Inbal Hotel. Telephone: 02-675-6625 | Fax: 02-561-0158 | E-mail:


Jabotinsky St. 3


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