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Events in Jerusalem

Student Purim Bash in Safra Square

Student Purim Bash in Safra Square at 20.03.2011

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Sunday mar 20th

Hebrew University's Student Union together with the Jerusalem Municipality presents a huge student Purim Party in Safra Square. The parking lot level will host a lively party and there will be ice skating in the main square. In the parking lot DJs Shlomi Azoulai and Itzik Didya (of Hatza'atzua) will spin dance and favorite hits. Around 4:00 in the morning a special guest DJ will take the stage. The traditional costume contest will take place. The prize for first place is a ticket to Amsterdam!

Entrance is 50 NIS in advance for earlybird Union members, while supplies last, and 60-90 NIS thereafter. Tickets may be purchased at the Student Union's offices at Mount Scopus as well as the Union's headquarters at Givat Ram and Ein Kerem. For more information: 02-582-5616.




Safra Square


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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