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Events in Jerusalem

Purim 2011 at the Malcha Mall

Purim 2011 at the Malcha Mall at 20.03.2011

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Sunday mar 20th

The Malcha Mall invites you to two days of Purim celebrations with kids' performances, face painting, and many more sweet surprises.

Performance schedule:

Sunday, March 20:

12:00: "Yuyu and Mimi": The characters from Rinat Gabai's television show set out an enchanted adventure in this musical show for the whole family.

15:00: "Gili Comes to Visit": a lively musical show for the whole family.

18:00: Channel Hop! Performance: Yael Duani and all of the characters kids love: the kuntzim, Dodido and the Sesame Street characters in an enchanted, entertaining, musical performance.

Monday, March 21:

12:00: "Gai Friedman's Show": The Hop! Channel and "Sweet Festival" TV star in a new performance for the whole family.

15:00: "A Sweet Birthday": Shai and Roi, two good friends, different but similar and funny, plan a birthday party, and funny situations arise.

18:00: "Uncle Haim's Show": Israeli childrens' well known and loved uncle with a funny show full of kids' favorite songs.


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